1955 Mercedes Benz 190 SL Roadster

06 December 2014, Saturday .

This 1955 Mercedes Benz 190 SL Roadster have the original colour combination Silver Grey / with Leather Blue Interior.

We will restore this car according his original specifications.



Car was in this consition when we achieve it



It seems that a lot of whork to do



Begin appear some rust



Rear lamps are not from this year modell



Iside seems that have a lot to do



When dismatle the car notice that someone was already begin to restore and did not ended



Inside is with a lot of rust



Engine is out, is complete  and runs free



Another picture of the engine



Front axle is out, as well as headlights, grill, bonnet and bumpers



Before it does not seems that was in this state



At the beginning the body was looking in better shape



It has a lot of rust in the under frame



Another picture from the underframe



Preparing for the sand blast



Rust in the under frame



Picture of the rear



Another picture of the under frame



Under frame



Mechanical parts for sand blast



Parts of the car



More parts



After the sand blast



Under frame after sand blast



Under frame in the rear after sand blast



Another picture of the under frame



AS you see some rust



Under frame driver side



Begin repairing the under frame




Front under frame



Floor almost finished



Floor in the rear finished



New floor



Engine compartment



Preparing the right side for new panels



Dashboar almost ready



New floor on the trunk



Floor almost ready




New floor on the trunk



Rear left almost ready



Rear almost ready



Floor almost finish



Left side almost finish



Another view from the rear



Right side



Left side



Right rear



Another view of the right side



Another view of the rear



Rear almost finish



Front almost finish



Rear almost done



Front almost finished



Another view of the front



Testing the chrome



Ready for the paint preparation



Preparing the car for the paint



Another picture



Another view of the rear



A long way is waiting



Left side









Rebuilding the engine



Another look



Looks like new



Preparing for the frist coat



Almost ready



Rear ready



Preparing trunk compartment






Already in the new paint box



Another view



Already with coat



Another view



View of the front



Engine compartment



interior view



Front finished



Interior finished



Rear finished



Mechanical parts



Preparing to assembly the interior



Preparing to assermbly mechanichal parts



Engine on place



Another view of the engine



Another view



Another view of the front



View of the rear



Carburators restored



And on place



Another view of the underneath



Rear underneath



New tyres



View of the rear



Another view









Preparing the leather



Another view



New soft top



With the seats



Rear almost finished








































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Sérgio Rodrigues
email: sergio@ssrclassic.com