19 January 2015, Monday .

The look of the car when was achieved

Preparing to dismantle the car

Another view

Front of the car

Engine compartment view

Under frame of the Mercedes

Parts removed from the car

Another look of the under frame rear

Front iwthout front axle

Front under frame

Engine compartment

Another view of the engine compartment

Parts of the car

More parts

Everything removed. ready for sand blast

rear part





Dismatle the engine

we gess that was the first time that the engine is open

Mechanical parts ready to the cleaning

Ready for cleaning

Final look before the cleaning

And the front

Front left clean

Rear left

Preparing parts to clean

The rear


Another view of the car



Another view of the underframe

Rebuilt the engine

A/C Compressor

New pistons

New gaskets

New bearings

New valves

Fuel pump rebuilt

Another view

Almost ready

Engine ready for testing

Restoring body

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